
Kerri's Cue Sheets - under construction

Warm Up and Cool Down for Clogging

Beginner Clogger Handout with step descriptions, abbreviations and links to video clips (needs Adobe Acrobat Reader)


Irish/St. Patrick's Day - a list of PDF files from different sources

Christmas Cue Sheets - a list of PDF files from different sources


AppalTappers Cloggers

Australian Clogging Association

Barbary Coast Cloggers

Blackgold Cloggers

Blue Ridge Thunder Cloggers

Carroll County Cloggers

Cherry City Cloggers

Calico Cloggers - Kathy Moore

California Ground Pounders - Barry Welch

CLOG Dancing

CLOGDOG - Josh King 

CLOG National Dance List

Cowboy Culture (has both line dances and clogging choreography)

Dance N Time

Dare to Clog - Darolyn Pchajek

Daphne Dahl (in German but cue sheets in English)

Double Toe Times Archive

European Clogging Association 

Halloween Cloggodiles - site in German but Cue Sheets in English

Happy Clog

Indian River Cloggers

Illinois Prairie Clogging Association

Jeff Driggs

Karen Tripp

Kelley's Clogging Page

Kelli McChesney's Clogging Pages

Let's Do Clogging - Ginny Bartes

Marilyn's Clogging Co. 

Missy Shinoski
Naomi Pyle

New Zealand Clogging Association

New Wave Cloggers

Northwest Clogging Association

Orlando Cloggers

Phantom Taps

Potomac Double Down Workshops by year

Raylin Cloggers - Lelia and Russ Hunsaker

Riverboat - Lois Elling

Sandra Pohlmann 

Scotty Bilz

Shane Gruber

Shufflin Shoes

Silverhawk Stompers

Smiling Frog Hopper

Southern Pride Cloggers

St. Marx Cloggers

Sugartfoot Family Cloggers

Sugar Creek Cloggers

Texas Dance List

Thunder & Lightning Cloggers

Walworth County Cloggers

(last updated 11-17-14) please email if you would like your online collection added.


By Subscription

Step in Time - published by the Texas Clogging Council

CLOG Today - published by C.L.O.G.

Double Toe Times 


Videos for purchase

Steve Smith Videos

Pat Dennis

Thunderfloor - Bob the Clogger (turn speaker volume down)

Claudia Collier Videos


Ira Bernstein - Ten Toe Percussion

Ginny Bartes Videos

Wayne Kralik

Texas Clogging Videos

Jeff Driggs Dance Packs


How to Clog - Russ and Lelia Hunsaker